Friday, February 22, 2013

Peanut Butter Cups

Probably the thing that I miss the most, since we stopped eating processed food is chocolate.  If I were every having a bad day, all I needed was a candy bar and it was an instant pick me up.  Not too long ago I was offered a peanut butter cup and when I ate it it tasted nothing like what I remembered.  It was just way too sweet. 

I have wanted to make completely from scratch peanut butter cups for a really long time and I finally got to doing it.  The are very easy to make.
* Chocolate (You can use your favorite chocolate chips, but I used 1/2 this homemade chocolate recipe)
*   1/2 Cup Natural Peanut Butter (without the oil that floats to the top)
*   1/4 Cup Raw Honey
Step 1:  Make your homemade chocolate, or melt your favorite chocolate chips.
Step 2: Poor the oil off of your natural peanut butter and reserve to add back.  Measure out 1/2 cup into a bowl, and add the oil back to your jar.  (I used fresh ground peanut butter so it didn't have any oil to poor off.)
Step 3: Mix together the peanut butter and honey.  Roll into 12 balls and flatten.
Peanut butter and honey balls.

Step 4: Fill 12 mini candy cup liners half way with the chocolate, place a peanut butter ball on top, and cover with chocolate.
Refrigerate for several hours, until firm.  Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

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